Work with me

14-day VIP Intensive

  • For the business in need of a shake up - and fast.

    This service is for the business owner ready to jump-start a new era of growth and success.

    We'll focus on a maximum of 3 priority areas - marketing & brand, offers & product suite, hiring & team development, CEO skills, productivity and scalability.

  • BLUEPRINT: Before we meet, you’ll complete my comprehensive business audit tool & ScaleSure Framework.

    BUILD: We’ll meet for a full day of bespoke 1:1 business strategy workshops. You’ll leave with a detailed roadmap and business improvement strategy. [These can take place online or in-person. In-person days are held in cities in the UK with all food and drinks included]

    BOOST: I'll support you for 2-weeks with 1:1 voice-note & message access, guiding you through your next steps as you implement and take action to level up every area of your business.

  • £1599

    or 2 payments of £800

3-month CEO Accelerator

  • Ready for an intensive business strategy overhaul and an expert on your side while you make your moves?

    Whether you’re going through a growth phase, expanding your team, or launching something new, this 3 month intensive brings me into your business for close-proximity support while you take action.

  • STRATEGY: We'll meet to dive deep into your business. Completing my ScaleSure Framework & Comprehensive Business Audit tool together in a 90-minute business strategy session.

    SPRINT: For the next 3 months we'll work towards your business transformation goals. We'll meet monthly and I'll be on-hand to guide you to expertly step into your new role as confident CEO.

    SUSTAIN: You'll leave with the skills, tools and long-term strategy to scale your business, sustainably.

  • 3-month business consultancy with monthly meetings and ongoing 1:1 support,


    or 3 x £966

    Includes 3 x 1:1 meetings + 1:1 voice-note & message access during office hours

6-12 month Partnership

  • This long term 1:1 partnership is for the business owner committed to growth and refinement. If you’re on the lookout for a trusted sidekick, you’re in the right place.

    You'll receive accountability, grounded strategic support and an expert by your side as you scale beyond 6 figures. No quick-wins in sight, we’re here for sustained, scalable success.


    We’ll kick-off with a Clarity Call - An extended business strategy workshop to uncover your business priorities and diagnose your business blindspots.


    You’ll attend 90-minute Quarterly Vision Sessions. During these calls we’ll carefully plan out your next 3 months, problem-solve and strategise together.

    You’ll get access to your Growth Portal: A personalised online portal with resources, bespoke guidance, templates, and your unique long-term business growth plan.


    This is the ultimate business partnership for live support while you navigate the challenges that come with being a leader of a scaling business. You'll get 1:1 office hours 1:1 voice-note & message access for the entire duration our partnership. This means you’ll never face a challenge or obstacle alone.

  • £788 per month

    or £2364 per quarter

    [6 or 12 month contracts only]

    This is long term 1:1 consultancy for the business owner committed to growth and refinement. You'll receive accountability, grounded strategic support and a trusted partner as you scale beyond 6 figures.